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Will Santa Like Your Bathroom

Will Santa Like Your Bathroom

Coming down the chimney, full of soot, it makes sense that Santa might need a bath or a shower. The question he will be asking is not “have you been naughty or nice?” but “is your bathroom Christmassy enough and good enough for the man in the red suit?”

 When Santa visits you and just in case, he n...

Weird Christmas Traditions

Weird Christmas Traditions

It seems impossible but we are now in the final month of the year.  Home Depot has been helping people all over America keep their homes in tip top condition while saving money with a We Are Coupons Home Depot Money Off Coupon. The year has flown by and the pandemic has made it a year few can ever f...

December Home Maintenance

December Home Maintenance

2020 is coming to an end and many of us are breathing a sigh of relief. Christmas is around the corner and many of us are hoping that the New Year will be much better than one just passed. Home Depot have helped Americans look after their homes in style in 2020, and despite the challenges they have ...

5 Things to Consider when choosing a fireplace

5 Things to Consider when choosing a fireplace

Winter is upon us and over the road, you can see your neighbor enjoy his fireplace. You begin to wish you had a fireplace too.  Home Depot has a selection of fireplaces and is a good place to get a few ideas about your own. We Are Coupons can save you money on a host of items at Home Depot with the ...

Thanksgiving Talking Points for the table

Thanksgiving Talking Points for the table

Thanksgiving is one of the happiest celebrations of the year. 2020 has been tough to say the least and Home Depot knows that more than anyone else. There are two facts that are for certain, the first is that Home Depot will be closed this Thanksgiving and the second is that We Are Coupons Home Depot...

A different Black Friday for Home Depot this year

A different Black Friday for Home Depot this year

2020 has been a year many of us will never forget and most of us simply want it to end. The Coronavirus pandemic has caused its fair share of havoc and many of us have had to adapt to a new way of doing things. Home Depot has had some chaos and has had to work hard to fit in with new safer ways of s...

Funny Friday: Thanksgiving Jokes

Funny Friday: Thanksgiving Jokes

This week the blog has been very much about Thanksgiving. Home Depot is a great place to buy thanksgiving gifts and everything to make your thanksgiving go with a swing. We Are Coupons helps you save money at Home Depot when shopping online with the best Home Depot Coupons you can download. So, this...

Warm Winter Bathroom

Warm Winter Bathroom

The chill is in the air and entering the bathroom on an ice-cold morning is something many dread. Worse still, having a cold bathroom after groggy commute home in the rain, sleet and snow is not the place you want to wind down in. Home Depot has all the ideas and advice to warm you bathroom for wint...

5 ways to save money this Thanksgiving

5 ways to save money this Thanksgiving

Home Depot has been helping Americans save money on home essentials and home maintenance for decades. 2020 has been a tough year financially for a lot of people and thanksgiving is just around the corner. Christmas follows soon after and budgets are stretched to the absolute limit this year.  It mak...


Thanksgiving Traditions for 2020

Home Depot loves thanksgiving and we have helped many households get their properties in tip-top condition for the holiday season. We are coupons can help you save money on getting your property in tip-top condition with a Home Depot Money Off Coupon. But enough of all the chores and home maintenanc...
