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How and When to Plant an Apple Tree - Part 2

How and When to Plant an Apple Tree - Part 2

There is nothing quite like something you have grown, made or produced yourself. Home Depot has everything you need to make, grow and more and make life amazing. With a Home Depot Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can save money on a wide variety of items instore to grow, make and do.  One superb investment you can make is to plant a tree and an apple tree is rewarding in many ways. In the second part of this article we will uncover the secret to growing an apple tree in your own garden.


If you plant apple trees grafted onto dwarf stumps (such as M26 or B9), they will only grow to 7 feet at maturity. The dwarf variety tends to grow to a height of four to eight feet, while the full-sized variety grows considerably larger, up to about twenty or thirty feet in height. Like many trees, apples have a central head - the main vertical trunk from which branches grow.


Because so many varieties of apples grow on the same tree, they can pollinate each other without relying on another tree. Apple trees can only bear fruit when they can cross-pollinate with another tree, which means that pollinators such as bees, birds, or the wind carry pollen from one tree to another as the flowers open. Because apples are pollinated by insects, whenever you choose apple trees for your garden, it's also important to consider choosing other plants and taking other steps to attract beneficial pollinators, other insects, and wildlife to your garden.


It is important to recognize that there are many fruit diseases and pests that affect apples, which is why these fruits are rarely grown without any pesticides. It takes a lot of research and perseverance to grow apples if you want to avoid any kind of spraying program. Whether it's for growing fruit or just being a pretty tree, apples require regular pruning.


When caring for an apple tree, you can apply fertilizer, but do not fertilize when planting, because you can burn the roots. If your soil is less than ideal, you can add nutrients at planting time to give your new apple tree a head start. After making sure the tree is upright and positioned correctly in the hole, fill the surrounding area with a good mixture of soil and compost to ensure a good balance of nutrients and give the tree a good start.


You'll also want to fertilize your apples each spring with an extended-release all-purpose plant food to ensure the tree has enough nutrients to support a healthy apple crop. Proper annual pruning ensures that each branch of the tree gets sunlight so that the apples on each branch will ripen and color properly. You can learn how to prune an apple tree in our basic guide, but most importantly, you must use a sharp saw to remove dead, diseased, crossed, frayed, fragile or damaged branches, removing past growth from the main branches Partially cut off. - Three to one. Orient the buds in the right direction, and take out the large buds that grow inward toward the center of the tree. Your tree needs at least half a day of sunlight, otherwise the leaves won't produce enough energy to produce fruit buds.



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