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How might shopping change in 2021?

How might shopping change in 2021?

Over the years Home Depot has remained a leader in retail shopping in the United States. Starting out in the late 70s Home Depot was fresh, friendly and original, and that remains today.  We Are Coupons helps you take advantage of this with the very best Home Depot Coupons that help you save money on all the homely things you need.  But 2020 saw a pandemic hit the US and this has changed so much in retail.  What could happen to the way you shop in 2021?

Names you know may go

Home depot is unlikely to fall into this category, but experts predict that smaller chains and more independent stores may close because of pressure from the COVOD19 pandemic. This is not a positive not to begin on, but it sadly could well be a reality as the virus looks to be with us for the foreseeable future. It is a fact no one can truly ignore, but there are some positives that arise as an outcome of this very sobering fact.

A greater move to online

As social distancing and other measures remain the already increased move to online shopping is expected to remain. Home Depot was ahead of its time when it introduced its online store. Today, with the use of AI the online shopping experience has vastly improved and in 2021 technology and more sophisticated and perhaps faster deliveries are expected to see more people shop online for even the most basic of items.

Innovative stores

As certain shops close, gaps in the market will occur. This opens the doors to innovators for both conventional shopping and online shopping and perhaps new super-brands arising. Adversity is the source of innovation and already small niche stores with hugely competitive prices working closely with supplier and logistics partners are showing their faces.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Stores closing is not all bad news. The pandemic is forcing retailers to work differently and rather than seeing each other as competitors they should see each other as adding value to the other. Experts suggest that mergers and acquisitions could be on the rise creating new mega-brands and stores or creating niche stores as part of a bigger company. This is very good for the consumer.

Consumer Behaviour

2020 shook the world and this in turn has changed the shopping habits and behviour of consumers.  When large stores grew in the mid to late 70s small family stores fell by the wayside and a new way of shopping was created, Home Depot grasped this with brilliance. The wheel has turned and consumer and shopper behaviour has been forced to change and it is doubtful that things will ever go back to what we once called normal.

2021 hold a lot of promise as the world is adapting to a new normal. Change is good, or so they say, and all one can do is embrace it.

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