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February Home Maintenance

February Home Maintenance

Just as we were getting used to January, so February arrives and the year is flying by already.  A New month means new things to do around the house. Home Depot has all you need to take care of things at home in February and with a Home Depot Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can  do so for less. But what are the key things on the home maintenance checklist for February?

Flip your Mattress

If you have a conventional mattress flipping it over a few times a year is a good thing. Firstly it ensures even wear and tear and secondly is considered good for your back. Turning your mattress over may also help you get a better night’s sleep. Furthermore, getting up close to your mattress may help you see if you need a new mattress, or a complete new bed to really ensure you have the best year ahead ever.

Deep Clean your Garbage Disposal

For the last twelve months, at least your garbage disposal system has taken care of all your garbage.  Garbage disposal units don’t run forever and need regular maintenance.  Having gotten through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, February is the time of year to show your garbage disposal some love.  Now is the time to give your garbage disposal unit a thorough deep clean  and ensure it serves you well In the year ahead.

Touch up Walls and Doors

The last three months especially have been hard work on your doors and walls. With people opening and closing doors more often than usual and people bumping, scraping and even youngsters drawing on walls a touch up is needed. Rather than a complete repainting, a touch up sorts out the blemishes and keeps your home looking like new.

Service your HVAC

The last few months have seen your HVAC see more work than normal. HVAC equipment needs regular servicing to ensure it work efficiently. February is a quieter time than normal for HVAC engineers and is thus the optimal time to service your equipment. An HVAC service done in February is an investment you will never regret.


Keeping on top of home maintenance is essential. One task to keep on top of is the caulking in bathrooms and kitchens.  Ensuring your caulking is in good condition prevents mould build up and prevents leaks. This in turn saves you hassle and money. Stripping and replacing your caulking once a year is a low cost and easy to complete task that will yield dividends later.

Check for Radon

One in every home has significantly high levels of Radon. You cannot smell or taste Radon but it can cause lung cancer if breathed in. Checking for Radon is easy and may save a life!

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