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Unusual Things you can Recycle - Part 2

Unusual Things you can Recycle - Part 2

Lowes has everything you need to make your house a home and with a Lowes Money Off Coupon from  We Are Coupons you can save money on everything instore. Even with massive savings the world is kind of crazy right now and things are costing more than ever. With this in mind what we throw into the trash, want we can reuse and what we can recycle need considerably more thought.  Recycling is now an important part of life more than ever.  So, what are some of the more unusual things you can  recycle and reuse?  This two-part article will hopefully inspire you to recycle more.


Crazy Crayons


Instead of putting your waste in a small box and send it to the Crazy Crayons recycling program, where your waste will be melted down and turned into the next generation of crayons. If you save all of these unused crayon pieces, you can donate them to the National Crayon Recycling Program in Colorado, which collects materials for Crazy Crayons. Contact yours to see if you can throw plastic utensils in the trash; otherwise they will have to be run. You can also recycle No. 5 plastic with the Preserve Gim me 5 program, which accepts all types of clean No. 5 plastic.


VHS Tapes


For VHS tapes, you can also remove the film itself (which releases harmful dioxins when melted) and recycle the plastic casing along with other plastics. If not, you can take the car seat apart and disassemble it yourself, but first make sure your local recycling facility accepts the disassembled parts. It may sound odd, but considering the heavy plastics, textiles and metals used in car seats, it only makes sense that (at least some of the components) can and should be recycled.


You can drop off your car seat at a local donation site, but the Recycle Your Car Seat website reports that there are still very few available in the United States and Canada.


Coffee Pods


Billions of plastic coffee pods end up in landfills every year, but it turns out that with a little effort, most of them can be recycled. TerraCycle goes way beyond paper, plastic and metal, as this list of the top five weirdest things you can recycle through TerraCycle shows. If it can be recycled (or otherwise disposed of using a zero-waste recycling method), you can find out how to do it here. Recycling can be an extremely fun way to spend your free time alone or with your family.


Wine Corks


Wine corks can also be used to make many creative things such as key chains, lampshades and more. Old corks can be used for many purposes, including floor tiles, building insulation, automotive gaskets, craft materials, and soil improver. The foil is made from 100% aluminum, and if you thoroughly clean it of all food waste, you can technically recycle it along with aluminum cans (but check with your local recycling facility first to make sure they are equipped to recycle). process, and some do not).



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