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Labor Day Day facts

Labor Day Day facts

Can you believe we are into September. The crazy year called 2020, the year of the Coronavirus pandemic has been traumatic to say the least. It is nearly Labor day, September 7th, and this means you can either get ready for a short weekend break or spend some time at home relaxing. For some people Labor Day is a superb excuse for a 3 day DIY weekend. This means it is time to fix a few things around the house and a visit to Home Depot. Better still you can shop online at Home Depot and have your DIY materials delivered to save the effort of going to the store on a busy holiday weekend. Furthermore, if you shop online at Home Depot you can save money using a We Are Coupons Home Depot Savings Coupon.  So, while you shop with ease and save money you can put your feet up for a bit. While your feet are up we will tell you a little bit about Labor Day.

The lead up to Labor Day

The history of Labor Day goes back to a rather dismal time in the United States back in the 1800s.  Two hundred years ago, people worked hard working 12 hours a day and often 7 days a week just to survive. Although there were a handful of laws many states still permitted young children from the age of 5 to work in often dreadful conditions being paid far less than adults.  Many people not only worked long hours for low pay but their working conditions were unsafe, some have limited access to fresh air or light.  It comes as no surprise, therefore, that people started to become very vocal about the working conditions  and strikes and rallies began to increase as the industrial revolution grew. Among the most well-know of these protests was the Haymarket Riot of 1886 in which a number of Chicago policemen were killed.  The mass marches started spreading throughout the US with workers demanding more rights, protection from layoffs and pat cuts and this soon began to cripple many industries with the Pullman Railway Cars company seeking a boycott of its cars bringing the US railroads to a complete halt.

Legal Workers Holiday

The unrest in the national workforce gained momentum and calls for a number of labor related changes were rising. It was not long before Congress was involved and negotiations started.  On 26 June 1894 President Grover Cleveland singed an act making what is now Labor Day and official holiday for all workers by law. No one really knows who actually created Labor Day, it can be said that it was and is very much a joint effort from many voices.

Labor Day Today

Labor Day now falls on the first Monday of September every year and is celebrated with parades and public gatherings. In 2020, Labor Day can be considered a very welcome holiday with Pandemic Lockdown restrictions being lifted meaning people can begin to meet. For many people it still means a  holiday weekend where some much needed home renovations can be undertaken.

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