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5 Ways to Prevent Mosquitoes and Flies in the Home

5 Ways to Prevent Mosquitoes and Flies in the Home

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water so it is important to drain and replace any puddles or pools around the house. Also, make sure to clean bird baths, vases and rainwater tanks regularly.  With a Home Depot Money Saving Coupon from We Are Coupons you can save money on insect repellent and more and keep your home bug free.



1. Use mosquito repellents

A bug spray with EPA-approved ingredients such as oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR3535 can help protect you and your family from mosquito bites. Products containing these chemicals, which are based on substances that occur naturally but have been synthesized to make them effective repellents, are called “biopesticides.” Always apply and reapply according to the package directions.


Other natural mosquito repellents, such as oils derived from citronella, geranium and basil, have been shown to be modestly effective. However, they can only be used on skin and may not provide long-term protection. Some of these repellents are available in candles, which burn and release the oils into the air. Products containing a mix of plant oils such as these can also be made into homemade mosquito sprays.


While not all natural repellents have been proven to be as effective as chemical insecticides, they are generally less toxic and can be a safer option for people who avoid exposure to pesticides, especially young children or pregnant women. Experimenting with combinations of these ingredients and using them in different areas of your home can help you find an all-natural formula that works best for you.


Mosquitoes lay their eggs near standing water, so it’s important to empty and scrub or turn over or throw out items that hold water like buckets, planters, toys, bird baths and garbage cans. This can also prevent the growth of mosquito-attracting plants such as foxglove and pond weeds. The NYBG suggests planting marigolds, which emit a scent that deters mosquitoes. This easy-to-grow flower is also an excellent choice for vegetable gardens, because it helps deter pests such as aphids, squash bugs and Mexican bean beetles.


2. Keep your windows and doors closed

Mosquitoes are more likely to enter your home if the windows and doors are open, especially at night when they are most active. Close the doors and windows and use insect screens if you have them, as well as ensure that all door and window seals are intact and working properly. In addition, you can also spray the areas where mosquitoes tend to rest with an outdoor insecticide that has been formulated to kill mosquitoes and repel them. Always follow the label instructions for this type of product.


Other natural ways to repel mosquitoes include putting citronella candles on the porch or using scents such as scented geraniums, rosemary, lavender or lemongrass oil. Indoor bug zappers, which are safe for the home and emit an unpleasant smell that repels mosquitoes, are another option. If you're looking for a permanent solution, you may want to consider getting caulk to close any small gaps around your windows and doors.


In the yard, keep grass, weeds and shrubbery trimmed, as mosquitoes often lay their eggs in dense vegetation and overgrown areas. Also, be sure to empty standing water regularly, such as in tires, recycling containers, buckets, barrels, pet dishes, lawn ornaments, flower pots, children's toys, garbage can lids and roof gutters.


You can also help reduce mosquitoes in your yard by planting plants that naturally repel them, such as lantana, marigolds and fennel. You can also plant flowers and shrubs that produce pleasant fragrances, such as daffodils and lilyturf. Finally, you can use a mouthwash that contains eucalyptus oil such as Listerine, which is a natural mosquito repellent, or a product such as Skin Armour Deep Woods Outdoor Soap that has eucalyptus in it.

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