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Benefits of a New Bathroom - Part 1

Benefits of a New Bathroom - Part 1

Home Depot is the number one place to help you make your house a home. With a Home Depot Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons making your home a dream home costs less. A new bathroom can increase the resale value of your property. It can also improve your lifestyle. New bathrooms provide plenty of space and comfort. They may also include underfloor heating and warm towel rails. Moreover, they can boost your home's value by attracting admiring comments from visitors. In this 3 part article we will look at the reasons why installing a new bathroom is a great idea!


Reduces the risk of infections

It's important to keep the bathroom clean and sanitised to reduce the risk of infections. Visibly unclean toilets have been implicated as possible source of infection in an outbreak of norovirus on cruise ships and airplanes. These surfaces can carry as many as 1011 CFU of salmonella and 1012 viruses per gram of faecal matter. In addition, there is a possibility that bacteria from vomit and other bodily fluids may end up on the toilet's rim or sides.


Another potential source of infection in the toilet is aerosols released by the flushing process. These aerosols can be transmitted to humans via fomite contamination or inhalation. The amount of aerosolization is dependent on several factors. Large droplets settle within minutes, while small droplets may remain for up to 90 minutes. Even after repeated flushing, small droplets may be left behind.


In addition to bathroom surfaces, a good ventilation system is also a must for the prevention of infectious diseases. The presence of bacteria and viruses in the air is a serious health risk for anyone. The use of good ventilation systems, including exhaust fans, can help reduce the risk of disease and infections.


The presence of bacteria in the toilet is also a major source of infection. It's important to use a disinfectant in the toilet to keep the bacteria in the toilet bowl at a low level. In addition, the use of household cleaning tools can spread enteric pathogens. A recent study showed that the use of alcohol wipes on toilet seats can reduce MRSA infections by up to 50%.


Increases resale value

Adding a new bathroom can increase the resale value of your home. Depending on the size and style of the addition, a $40,000 to $50,000 renovation can increase the market value by up to 60%. The cost of the renovation will also depend on the quality of the materials used and the preferences of local homebuyers.


When choosing materials, you should avoid luxuries and high-end finishes that might not be appreciated by potential buyers. Moreover, if you are selling the house in the future, upscale materials and expensive fixtures could decrease the resale value. Instead, choose neutral colors that appeal to the biggest crowd of buyers.


Adding a bathroom is a smart way to improve the resale value of your house. Many buyers look for a home that offers a master suite and a family bathroom, as well as a half bath for guests. In addition, it will give the home more curb appeal.


Adding a full bath or a half bath to a home can boost the resale value by up to 20%. In some areas, this percentage fluctuates between 5 and 10%. A full bathroom can add anywhere from $40 to $50,000 to the home's value.

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