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How to Start and Maintain a Herb Garden - part 3

How to Start and Maintain a Herb Garden - part 3

Lowes love helping you in your garden. With a Lowes Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons setting up a herb garden costs less and will be on of the most enjoyable things you can do. When you're setting up and maintaining a herb garden, there are several key points to consider. Proper soil is essential, as is watering and pruning new growth. You'll also want to make sure that your pots and containers are the right size, and that your herbs aren't too rich in nutrients.



Pruning new growth from perennial herbs

The proper pruning of perennial herbs can make them grow in a more appealing manner. In addition to improving their appearance, pruning can help to maintain their size and shape. This will allow you to enjoy them throughout the year.


If you are unsure about the right time to prune, start by identifying the herb's growth patterns. Most of the time, plants are fairly forgiving with regard to pruning. A light trimming at the end of the growing season will often encourage new growth. However, pruning too late can weaken the plant before it's dormant for the winter.


Some perennial herbs can be grown as shrubs, and these are generally not pruned. However, most culinary herbs are best pruned when new green growth appears. To prune these types of herbs, you should cut off all the dead branches and brittle branches.


Woody perennial herbs are classified as sub-shrubs. These varieties are best pruned in the spring, and they continue to grow well through the summer and into the fall.


Leafy perennial herbs are generally pruned when new leaves appear. They should be cut back to one-third of their original height. Leaves can be dried or frozen for use during the winter.


When pruning herb plants, be sure to trim in a symmetrical fashion. Avoid pruning to the side of the plant, as this can make the plant leggy. Also, avoid pruning to a height that makes the plant too tall.


You may also want to consider dividing your herb plants. Divide your plants into small groups, or transplant them to a new location. For example, you can prune a sage plant to a mound and divide the two parts into two separate plants.


Suitable herbs for an indoor kitchen herb garden

If you're looking for fresh herbs to add to your recipes, it's easy to set up an indoor kitchen herb garden. The right herbs will not only give you a boost of flavor, but they'll also look fantastic, and even add a bit of life to your space.


You can start an indoor garden from seeds or transplants from your garden. Some common herbs you can try growing in an indoor kitchen herb garden include basil, mint, rosemary, thyme, and parsley. They're all easy to grow, but they'll vary in taste, and some may be better suited to the climate in your home.


If you're thinking about setting up an indoor garden, there are a few things you'll need to know. First, you'll want to choose the right type of plants for your situation. Depending on the location of your home, you'll need to consider factors such as sunlight, humidity, and temperature.


You'll also need to provide your plants with plenty of oxygen. Aside from the obvious, you'll want to make sure that the soil you use for your indoor herb garden is rich in organic material. Water soluble fertilizer is a great way to ensure that your plants are getting all the nutrients they need.


Choosing the right lighting is also important. Clamp-on reflector lights with fluorescent bulbs are ideal for growing herbs. However, you should avoid running them all day. Rather, try to set them on a timer.


When it comes to watering, make sure to water your plants slowly. This will keep the top layer of the soil moist, and encourage new growth. Avoid sitting water, as it can cause root rot.

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