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Simple Things: Locks

Simple Things:  Locks

There are many things we take for granted. One such thing that we never give second glance to ia the lock on our doors and other places. Today we have locks that don’t even need keys and yet these humble devices had to begin somewhere in life.  Lowes has a wide range of locks for every purpose you can imagine. With  Lowes Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can save money on every lock you need.  But for now what is the history of the humble lock?

Lock History Exists

History lovers rejoice! There is a history about locks, and it's a rich and colorful one. You don't need to switch on your cable TV stations. Just show up on-time for classes. I promise that you won't be asked any questions after reading. Let's just relax and read the Early History of the Lock. Data that is available (although there is no written record about who invented the first locks), shows that locks were developed by different societies and not as a result of trade or travel.

Egypt Locks

The evidence so far has shown that the oldest known locks are from the Egyptians. The lock was composed of three parts: a vertical beam with tumblers and a crossbeam made from wood, as well as a larger wooden key than the ones we see today.

Roman Locks

Although they are beautiful in design, many Roman locks are not in existence today. Iron, the main metal used in Roman locks, corrodes and rusts, thus erasing most of their records from time. Because they were made as necklaces or rings, many of the keys are still available today. Romans used keys made of iron and bronze, as well as notched bolts in iron cases. The warded bit key lock, which is still used today in older homes, was another type of Roman lock. The spring loaded bolt is another type of Roman lock. Locks were highly sought after by merchants and politicians during times of great trade in the Roman Empire, particularly when Julius Caesar was alive.

Greek Locks

The Greek locks, similar to those used by the Romans, were secured using ropes that were tied with elaborate knots. These cleverly knotted knots, also known as a notched bolt, are not the most secure and easy to defeat. They were operated using a blade of an iron sickle-shaped key, approximately twelve inches long, and inserted into the key slot. The key was then turned one hundred and eighty degrees. This lock was easy to break using a variety of keys. The archaeological evidence shows that the bolt was used to secure the interior of the lock for extra security.

Chinese Locks

Another nation is also credited with inventing locks: the Chinese. The padlock was invented by the Romans, but the Chinese may have created it independently.


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