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Simple Things: The Toaster

Simple Things: The Toaster

Lowes sells plenty of small Home Appliances that we take for granted.  You can save money on all of them by downloading a Lowes Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons. The humble toaster has an interesting history. In the beginning, bread was simply bread, and it became stale. In frustration, someone tossed stale bread in a fire and watched as it browned in the flames. This, in turn, inspired the invention of the toaster. It's no wonder that toast became a household necessity. But how did toast come about? Let's take a look!

John Montagu

The history of toast can be traced all the way back to the fourth Earl of Sandwich, a man who was unable to put down his meal, and so he requested his butler to put roast beef between two slices of bread. The resulting dish became a favorite amongst all the members of the Sandwich family. The invention of the toaster was a great leap forward for society, and became a staple of the British diet.

Charles Strite

A quick history of the toaster begins with the invention of the automatic pop-up toaster by Charles P. Strite, a Minneapolis resident who was fed up with burnt toast at the factory cafeteria. Strite's invention, called the Toastmaster, toasted both sides of the bread simultaneously and had a spring that ejected the toast when it was done. The invention was an immediate success and soon found its way into restaurants.

Automatic pop-up toaster

The automatic pop-up toaster of the present invention is equipped with a lever that pivots on the bread carrying plate and is equipped with a jaw engaging the lug for downward movement. The lever has a cam-following means that disengages the jaw from the lug when the lever reaches a predetermined position. In this way, the piston will be loaded only during the portion of the plate's movement that corresponds to the preset position of the manually adjustable cam.

Electric toaster

In the early 20th century, homes began receiving electricity, making small household appliances like toasters more accessible to the average home cook. Creating a heating element and finding a wire that could conduct heat were major challenges for the early toaster inventors. General Electric finally created a commercially successful toaster in 1909, and World War One shifted the use of assembly lines. However, the electric toaster was a huge hit, and its name became synonymous with the appliance.


The toaster's development began during the late 1800s. A key technical challenge was finding wire that would conduct heat. This proved to be a difficult task. Eventually, General Electric developed the first commercially successful toaster in 1909. The invention gained popularity during the early 20th century, when the emergence of the assembly line changed the way factories produced goods. As a result, the toaster's design began to take on more modern shapes.

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