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5 Things to do in your garden this Fall

Fall is a funny season and yet it is one that many people love above all others. Fall is also an important time of year for your garden and their a few things you need to do to ensure you have a good garden all year round. Home Depot has all the tools and equipment as well as seeds and bulbs you need for your garden to remain perfect all year round. The best way to save money on everything you need for your garden is to shop online with a Home Depot Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons. Once you have saved money there are a number of things that you need to do in your garden during Fall, here are just 5

Pull Up Dead Plants

Fall is a time of year when many plants are dying off. Fall is the time of year when you can pull up these dead plants. The best way to dispose of dead plants is to compost them but if they are dry many people enjoy a wonderful bonfire. There is something magical about a bonfire in the garden and the smell is very much part of Fall.

Fall Planting

While you may have plenty of dead plants to pull up you can also plant a lot in Fall. Some that you can plant are:



















Home Depot stock high quality seeds so help you grow the most amazing flowers and vegetables all year round.


Plant Bulbs and Trees

Traditionally Fall is the best time to plant bulbs and seeds. Nature will always determine when to sow and harvest and Fall is no different. Daffodils, tulips and small trees are best planted in fall. If you want a picturesque display of color come spring, your forward planning in Fall is the key to success.  Home Depot is well-known for its well-priced high  quality bulbs and saplings that gardeners can rely on.



An important task in your garden in Fall is to mulch your garden. Naturally, trees in the wild shed their leaves in the Fall and create their own mulch. Many gardens today are not surrounded by many trees and thus we need to mulch our own soil to keep it healthy for future propagation.  Home Depot sells Mulch and no matter how large or small you garden is you will never regret taking the time to mulch it. Many gardeners know that mulching is veery much the secret to a healthy, happy and pretty garden .



The one job that is always done in every season is to tidy the garden. Each season creates its own “mess” and there is nothing more satisfying them a good tidy up. Leaf blowers make tidying an autumn garden easy keeping pathways clear and blowing leaves into spaces where they can best be used by the soil underfoot.


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