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How to Create Privacy in your Garden

How to Create Privacy in your Garden

Your garden is a place you should enjoy and with help from Home Depot you can. With a Home Depot Money Saving Coupon from We Are Coupons you can save money on all you need to make your garden your favorite place.

Privacy in your garden

If you live in a cooler State, evergreens can provide privacy because they retain their foliage for most of the year. This is especially important in cold climates as it prevents a wide open lawn during the winter months. You can also plant evergreens in any part of your garden. Once you have chosen the right type, you'll have plenty of options for how to create privacy in your garden. Read on for some ideas!


Freestanding posts

If you're looking for an inexpensive way to add privacy to your garden, you may want to consider building a freestanding screen using wood posts and framed lattice. These types of screens can be used as privacy screens as well as trellises. In July 2010, WOOD magazine published a freestanding screen and lattice tutorial. The instructions for this project include detailed drawings and step-by-step instructions for constructing this screen. You can also download the freestanding screen plans from the same source.


Layered planting designs

You can create privacy in your garden by alternating the heights of plants. The tallest layer shouldn't shade other plants in the area, such as a dwarf oleander. And you should never plant a tall fast-growing plant next to a medium-height shrub. To achieve layered planting, choose the right plants for the area, and stagger your planting designs based on height. To maximize the layers, choose plants with similar resource requirements, contrasting colors, and varying heights.



A fence provides many benefits. You can make it attractive by planting a variety of plants, including climbing vines and clematis. A fence can also provide extra screening from neighbors. You can also add ornamental grasses and quaking aspen, which rustle softly in the breeze. Several fences can make your garden more private. Just be sure to follow local regulations and double-check lot lines before installing any fences.



If you want a private space for relaxation, you might want to install a pergola. A pergola is a covered outdoor area that can be used to protect the space underneath from views of neighbors. They're an excellent choice for garden privacy, but before you build one, check the rules for your local zoning board. You might need a variance from your local zoning board, which requires a compelling reason. Consult a professional for advice.


Hedging shrubs

There are many types of hedging shrubs. Some create privacy while others create a cozy, intimate space for you. Choosing the right one depends on your personal preferences. For example, you might want to use a dense, shoulder-height shrub with showy pink ribbon blooms. You may also want to consider a semi-dwarf loropetalum with deep purple foliage.



You can use large planters to create instant privacy, particularly if your garden is compact and close to a fence. Ornamental grasses, such as 'Karl Foerster' feather reed grass, are a good choice. You can also plant a fast-growing miscanthus grass, such as 'Morning Light,' to further define your private area.


Potted plants

If you're looking for a way to make your garden a private retreat, potted plants are the perfect solution. Shrubs can provide privacy and flowers in the same container, and many varieties will flower year-round. 'Winter daphne', 'variegated silverberry,' and sweet box' are all great choices. They all thrive in USDA plant hardiness zones seven through nine.


Water features

Decorative water features can add privacy and charm to your landscape. There are many types of water features available, including waterfalls, bubbling containers, and self-contained fountains. Fountains can be placed in outdoor ponds, or spouting fountains can be mounted on walls. Make sure that the fountain doesn't overpower the landscape. You can also choose to use a fountain that is hidden by a sconce or scupper.

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