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Simple Things: Christmas in July

Simple Things:  Christmas in July

Lowes loves Christmas and much as anyone does. With a Lowes Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can celebrate Christmas in July in style. If you've ever wondered how to celebrate Christmas in July in the United States, this article is for you! Find out its origins, how popular it is, and what to do on this festive occasion. Read on for tips on Decorations and Gifts! Throughout July, you'll find all sorts of fun activities and events - from Christmas carols to fireworks - that will make this holiday memorable and fun for the entire family.



Historically, Christmas in July in the United States originated with the vaudeville performers who gathered in summer colonies in Long Island. The performers, who remained away from friends and family during the winter, wanted to spend the summer celebrating Christmas. Rather than relocating to another place for the holidays, they would celebrate the season by sending letters and gifts to soldiers overseas. This tradition spread across the country and is now widely celebrated in many parts of the country.



The popularity of Christmas in July in the United States was first fueled by a 1940 film called Christmas in July. The story follows a man who wins $25,000 in a contest, spends it on gifts for his family and neighbors, and even proposes to his girlfriend. But the true origins of this holiday are unclear. The idea has many roots, and was first promoted as a marketing ploy by retailers.



If you're wondering how to celebrate Christmas in July in the United States, you're not alone. Although July is an unusual month in which to celebrate holidays, this celebration is also an opportunity to start a new tradition. You can celebrate the holiday on the beach with a water balloon fight and a festive cocktail party, or you can opt to indulge in a chilly glass of eggnog. Whatever your choice, the fun doesn't have to stop at the beach.



Although Christmas in July is celebrated in many countries, not everyone follows the same traditions. For instance, Christmas in July occurs on July 25th, while Labor Day is the 2nd of September. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas in July, you can still take advantage of the holiday by marking your calendar and dusting off your Christmas decorations! If you're interested in celebrating Christmas in July, you'll find that prices are much lower than they are during other times of the year. Some stores even have Black Friday in July promotions, which you'll definitely want to take advantage of.


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Did you know that the first Christmas in July was celebrated in 1928? That's a very long time for a celebration of Christmas, and yet, the holiday has managed to survive as both a festive party idea and a marketing juggernaut. If you've never celebrated Christmas in July, you're missing out on a great summertime tradition. Learn how to celebrate Christmas in July in the United States and get your festive decor ready for the season!

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