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What to grow on your balcony or window box

What to grow on your balcony or window box

Home Depot understands that not everyone has a large garden or outdoor space.  Balconies and window boxes are the extent of what some people have to grow what they desire.  With a Home Depot Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can  turn your balcony or window box into a veritable garden to enjoy all year round. Here are a few ideas to help you turn your tiny space into a wonderful garden.

Three Gallon Garden

A three-gallon pot is the perfect size for this Certified Organic Sage. It will eventually develop a woody stem and need larger accommodations. This herb is best used fresh from the garden, but it also dries well, so you can cut it down two-thirds and dry the leaves to use in the winter. Snow Cloth is another great plant for a window box, as it attracts beneficial insects and pollinators.


Plants to grow in a window box

The best plants to grow on a balcony or window box have a variety of blooming time and location. Spring-blooming tulips are the classic choice, and in a window box, you can strategically plant bright red tulips at the back, while dark purple heliotropes fill out the front. In summer, swap out the tulips for summer-blooming varieties. Deadheading will encourage more blooms, so you can enjoy the beauty of your window box year-round.


When growing plants in a window box, you must ensure that the soil is well-draining, as otherwise they could suffer from root rot. For container-grown plants, use standard potting mix from a garden centre, or you can mix your own with coconut coir, sawdust, or bonemeal. If you want to grow edibles, use compost, as the added nutrients will help the plants' growth. Watering and fertilizing plants regularly will ensure their survival.


Vegetables to grow in a window box

The best vegetables to grow on a balcony or in s window box are those with shallow roots. These include determinate tomatoes and dwarf peppers. Greens such as spinach and lettuce also do well in a window box. Herbs such as thyme, rosemary, mint, and dill also make good companion plants for your vegetables. Choose the plants you want to grow based on their light requirements.


If you're growing vegetables on a balcony or window box, you must make sure you choose the right type of container. You'll need high-quality potting soil. If you're planting multiple types of plants, space them at least an inch apart. Make sure to hang your window box on a south-facing window so that they receive lots of natural light. If possible, you should plant seeds at least one inch from the edges of the box.


Herbs to grow in a window box

If you're short on space, then you can start your herb garden with a window box. While the small containers are ideal for smaller gardens, you should avoid growing standard herb varieties like oregano, lavender, and rosemary. Instead, choose dwarf varieties that grow under two feet. While you'll be sacrificing height, these plants require a limited space. In the meantime, you can enjoy the benefits of herbs while enhancing your home with fresh herbs.


Before you plant your herbs, make sure you get the right type for your space. Make sure your plants have good drainage. If they've grown primarily indoors, you may want to consider choosing herbs that thrive in a damp environment. Also, make sure you know which herbs are best suited for the conditions on your balcony. Herbs are not best suited to full sun.

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