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How to Paint Window Frames

How to Paint Window Frames

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There are several things you should know before you begin painting window frames. You should plan your approach and thoroughly stir the paint before you apply it to the window frames. You should also cover the surfaces that you do not want to paint with a putty knife before painting. Once you have completed all of these steps, you're ready to paint your window frames. Continue reading to learn how to paint window frames. You should plan your approach before beginning this project so that you can get the best results possible.


Before you start painting your wooden window frames, you must sand them thoroughly. Sandpaper has grit particles based on the number of them per square inch. The lower the grit, the coarser the surface. Select the right sandpaper for your needs by looking at the amount of damage and the type of wood. Open-coat sandpaper has more gaps between the particles, so it's more suitable for wood.

If your window frames are old, you can sand them back to the wood. This can remove any original carved details on the frame. You can also apply further coats of paint to protect the timber. However, it is important to remember that if the window was previously painted, it may be covered with lead paint, so it is important to ensure that you do not sand back to the original surface. Sanding a window frame back to its wood surface may remove any lead paint.

Applying second coat of paint

After you've applied the first coat of paint to your window frames, you're ready to apply the second one. You should start by checking for spots of insufficient paint. Use a cell phone flashlight to lightly spray those spots. Also, remove any painter's tape and plastic. The paint will stick to these materials, and you don't want that to happen! Once the first coat of paint has completely dried, you're ready to apply the second one.

The first step is applying the primer. Make sure to apply it in long, flowing strokes, including the corners. Allow the primer to dry, which can take from three to half a day. To speed up the drying time, turn on a ceiling fan. Be careful not to paint over wet primer, as you can damage the frame. Apply the second coat of paint as soon as the primer has dried.

Covering surfaces you don't want painted

Protect surfaces you don't want painted when painting aluminium window frames with masking tape. You can tape off the glass part and any exposed wall with masking tape. Then, paint the frame. Make sure to mask off the surfaces you don't want painted before starting the project. If you're painting large sections of the window frame, you can also use paper towels to cover the surfaces.

Before painting, cover all surfaces that you don't want painted. Tape the windows and trim together with painter's tape. Cut the tape 45 degrees so that you have an even line to follow. Then, peel off about a third of the tape, leaving a narrow strip of tape along the bottom of the window frame. You can use this tape on the right side of the window frame.

Using a putty knife

Using a putty knife to apply paint to window frames can be an effective way to repair or replace them. You can use a putty knife to apply putty, which is softened by mineral turpentine. When applying putty, you want to keep the level of putty consistent on each side. You can use the putty knife's tip as a guide to avoid overspreading the putty.

A putty knife is useful for scraping off excess paint, applying painters tape around baseboards and cleaning edges. It's best to use a steel blade because it promotes more flexibility and is easier to handle. It's also important to use a putty knife that has a flexible, durable blade. You can also choose a spreading or scraping blade, depending on the type of paint you want to apply.

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