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All about Hammers

All about Hammers

Hammers are one of the most basic tools in the toolkit, but do you know what the different types of hammer are and what they are used for? Lowes has the widest selection of hammers, you can save money on buying one with a Lowes Printable Coupon, and before you just head out and buy a hammer here are a few things you need to know about hammers.


Claw Hammer

The most common hammer for general DIY work, available with a wooden (traditional) , glass-fibre or steel handle; with or without rubber grip. Claw hammers come in different weights that range from 16 to 24oz. The claw is the curved hook piece of the hammer, it incorporates a 'V' cut-out and is mainly used to pull nails from timber. The claw can also be used to lift up floorboards or where other places where a lever is required.

Ball Pein

Sometimes referred to as an engineer's hammer, the pein in these tools is rounded and is usually used for shaping metal and closing rivets. Ball pein hammers are available 4 oz up to 2 lb.  For general home use 8oz 12oz are the most suitable. Handles are normally wood.

Cross and Straight Pein

Conventionally used for shaping metal, the pein is sometimes at right angles to the handle or parallel with it. The most useful domestically is the cross pein, where the pein can be used for starting panel pins and tacks. Handles are normally wood.

Cross Pein Pin Hammer

This is merely a lightweight version of the Cross and Straight Pein hammer, ideal for light joinery and cabinet work normally around 4oz

Club Hammer

The club hammer has a double faced head, and can be used for light demolition work, driving steel chisels and masonry nails. It is recommended to wear safety glasses when using these hammer for demolition work. A 2 1/2 lb club hammer is best suited to domestic work.

Sledge Hammer

This is the big boy when it comes to hammer and is used for the heavier jobs, such as driving in stakes or to break up concrete, stone or masonry. The hammer is swung like an axe and it is recommended that you wear suitable protective clothing, including safety glasses when  using.

Joiner's Mallet

One of the most familiar tools of any carpenter the joiners mallet is ssed to drive chisels or to tap wood joints together, where a metal-faced hammer would cause damage or bruising.

Soft-faced Hammer

Various types are available, with hard and soft rubber, plastic or copper faces. Some come with a choice of faces which are interchangeable. Useful for striking materials such as chrome wing outs, where a steel face would cause damage. In some cases, can replace a mallet for cabinetwork.

Now you know the basic about hammers you should have enough information to head down to Lowes with your Lowes Printable Coupon to save money and purchase the right hammer for the job you have to do.



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