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How to Prune Small Trees - Part 2

How to Prune Small Trees - Part 2

Home Depot has all the tools, materials and plants you need to make your garden thrive.  With a Home Depot Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can save money on making your garden glorious.  When it comes to gardening one thing many of us are unsure of is pruning. Pruning and knowing how to prune is important. If you're up to the task, read on for a step-by-step guide to pruning twigs and small trees this two part article. Lets carry on where we left off.


Usually, when a well-maintained tree grows so tall that it can no longer be cut from the ground with a saw, regular pruning is not necessary. Large pruning jobs should definitely be done by a professional, but pruning smaller branches and trees can be handled well. Most trees, both small ornamentals and full-sized trees, generally require less pruning than shrubs. Shrubs Pruning young shrubs is not as critical as pruning young trees, but be careful to use the same principles to encourage good branch structure.


Young trees often need pruning to create a useful branch structure. Young trees can be pruned to prevent future problems with branch structure, or if needed to create the desired shape or form. Young trees that have been improperly pruned or not pruned at all for several years may require heavy pruning to remove larger branches to prevent the trees from deforming. Important reasons for pruning mature trees include size control, providing clear space for pedestrians or vehicles, removing potentially dangerous branches, and improving appearance.


Pruning or selectively removing certain branches or stems is an important maintenance practice that will help keep your tree healthy for years to come. Pruning helps control the growth and structure of shrubs and trees, remove dead or diseased stems and branches, and promote the development of flowers, fruit, and new leaves. Removing dead or dying branches not only helps prevent disease from spreading to other parts of the plant, but it also helps the tree or shrub focus on producing healthy new shoots.


At the very least, trim branches or stems before the plant grows new in spring, so it doesn't waste energy in damaged areas. Avoid pruning young or newly planted trees - it needs as many leaves as possible to produce the nutrients needed for good root growth.


It is important to prune newly planted trees annually in the first few years to develop a branching pattern that is resistant to wind and ice storms as the trees mature (Figure 3). Tree pruning is important in the first few seasons after planting to create a strong, well-spaced frame of branches with a wide trunk angle.


When planting deciduous shrubs, thin branches to provide good spacing and cut off any broken, diseased, crossed, or round roots. Rejuvenating pruning of old or overgrown shrubs Deciduous shrubs with few stems (cane growth habit), heavily overgrown or neglected Deciduous shrubs with several stems (cane growth habit), overgrown or neglected, can be rejuvenated by pruning in early spring all shoots as close to the ground as possible .


Trees that bloom later, on new growth and last year's growth, should be pruned immediately after flowering or before the start of the growing season (ideally after the first frost in autumn and before the soil warms up in spring). Evergreens with randomly branching patterns - arborvitae, hemlock, juniper and yew - should be pruned in the same way as flowering trees or shrubs. Pruning regulates the shape and form of conifers; pruning controls new growth.


Trim unruly branches, get rid of thin growth, remove offspring (stems growing from the roots) and water shoots (vertical shoots growing from the trunk and branches). How to prune trees and shrubs General pruning advice Remove diseased, broken or dead branches.


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