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Clearing out your home before New Year

Clearing out your home before New Year

2020 is coming close to the end, thank goodness many are crying. The last day or so of the New Year is the perfect time to have a super clear out of the things you don’t need. We all have stuff we keep hanging on to and some of us hang on to more for longer than others.  A clear-out will refresh your home for the New Year and create just space or space for the new.  So what can you get rid of before the New Year?

Old Pillows

Many people have worn out pillows on their beds and yet they never get around to replacing them. Most pillows are meant to be replaced frequently and yet many people don’t. Old, tired pillows can be given to animal shelters who will welcome them.  Once this is done you can order new pillows online from Home Depot and save money on them with a We Are Coupons Home Depot Money Off Coupon.

Half Burned Candles

Over Christmas, many people light candles to create more atmosphere in the home.  However,  after a few weeks, the candles burn down and look ugly and hardly the décor that makes a home feel homely. It makes sense to get rid of the old candles.  No doubts you have acquired some stunning new candles and gifts in recent weeks and the old candles can now be replaced.

Clear out the fridge

One thing that happens over Christmas is that half-eaten, now wrapped food items pile up in the Fridge. Many items go out of date fast and if you are like many other households you probably have a selection of other out of date or barely full jars, pots and bottles of foodstuff. Now is a great time for a really good clear-out, you will be amazed at how much “junk” your fridge is holding.

Out of date products

Once you have cleared the fridge you may well get the urge to check the entire house for out of date or unused products that have been opened and never used again. From the bathroom through the garage your home may well be packed with out of date items. All of these need to be safely and properly disposed of. It could be anything from cleaning materials through spices to paint in the garage.  If you want to to start the New Year truly new then clearing out the out of date items is by far the best way.

Puzzles and decks of cards with missing items

Every home has them and for some reason, they never get thrown away. Puzzles with one or maybe a few missing pieces are kept in the hope the missing pieces turn up. Decks of cards with missing cards are kept for the same reason.  Accept it, the missing items are lost and will never be found and now you just have junk.  Dispose of these items, many can be recycled, and save yourself the frustration of using them only to find a piece or a card is missing because you forgot why you stored them in the first place.

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