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December Home Maintenance

December Home Maintenance

2020 is coming to an end and many of us are breathing a sigh of relief. Christmas is around the corner and many of us are hoping that the New Year will be much better than one just passed. Home Depot have helped Americans look after their homes in style in 2020, and despite the challenges they have succeeded. Money has been tight and for everyone and Home Depot Money Off Coupons from We Are Coupons have become more valuable than ever before. 

December is no month for slacking on home maintenance and in December there are a few tasks that always need to be completed. These are some of the home maintenance tasks you need to keep on top of in December

Check out your outdoor lights

The nights are a little darker as winter sets in and your outdoor lighting is essential at this time of year.  A check that all your outdoor lighting is working properly is essential. Replacing lightbulbs, broken switches and fittings is all part of the job. Don’t forget to make sure your Christmas lights are working too. Don’t be left in the dark this winter.

Check Your Insulation

Many people will be at home for the holidays and you want your home to be as warm as possible. Checking your insulation is the key to staying warm this winter without spending a fortune on energy bills. Check your roof space, windows and doors for gaps or inadequate insulation. Spend a bit of time making sure your insulation really works and you will find your home is the happiest place to be.

Clean Your Chimney

If you have a fireplace the one time of year you really want it to work is in December. Cleaning your chimney is heartily recommended and more often than not it is wise to call in the professionals. Not only is a dirty chimney a safety hazard but it can also prevent your fire from burning as bright as you would like.

Final Deep Clean

If you are having guests for the holidays early December is when you need that final deep clean of the year. Cleaning your house thoroughly from top to bottom, paying attention to the nooks and crannies that are so easily overlooked is essential. A clean home is a welcome home. The deep clean will also help you spot any areas that may need a small repair.

Caulk your Shower and Toilet

Your shower and toilet have taken some punishment for twelve months and the caulking is perhaps not looking great and may even be leaking. December is the perfect time to Caulk your bathroom shower and toilet and have them looking like new.

Decorate the house

Not really home maintenance but the one thing you cannot overlook is to decorate your house for the holiday season and put a smile on your face because 2020 has been a tough year!


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