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Important Things to Be Thankful for on Thanksgiving Day

Important Things to Be Thankful for on Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving from We Are Coupons. As the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us, it's time to count our blessings. Take a moment to appreciate your family and friends. Be thankful for a roof over your head and a free weekend. Those close to us can be Godsends in our times of troubles.


Count your blessings

Counting your blessings is one of the most popular hymns. It is like a ray of light in the darkest places. This hymn has become a staple of worship services across the world. It was originally written by Methodist minister Johnson Oatman, Jr., in the mid-nineteenth century. Men and boys sung it, girls whistled it, and even babies were rocked to sleep to its soothing melody.


Appreciate your connection to family

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to reconnect with family and friends. You can do this by writing "I'm thankful for..." cards and mailing them before the big day. You can also choose one person to acknowledge during dinner and ask them to acknowledge another person, and so on. Repeat until all your loved ones are recognized and you can tell them what they mean to you.


Be thankful for a roof over your head

We live in a world where many people do not have a permanent place to live. As such, it is important to be thankful for the place you call home. Especially on Thanksgiving day, be sure to invite your friends and family over to celebrate with you. This holiday is also a good time to give back. There are many ways you can do this, including volunteering at a homeless shelter or contributing to a homeless shelter.


Be thankful for warm fingers and toes

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to bundle up, break out the cozy sweaters, and flaunt those cosy accessories. This is also the perfect time to putter around the kitchen, chat with family, and cook up your favorite recipes. It also happens to be the time of year when the first dusting of snow hits the ground, hinting at the winter activities that lie ahead.


Be thankful for a smile from a stranger

Be thankful for the little things in life, from the smallest gestures to the simplest ones. Even if you don't know anyone, be thankful for a stranger's smile and the time they took to share it with you. It will mean a lot to someone and will make them feel good. It's a simple yet profound act that will make a difference in a stranger's day.

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