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Low Cost Fixes Around the Home - Part 2

Low Cost Fixes Around the Home - Part 2

In Part one of this blog on quick fixes around the home we looked at fixing squeaky floorboards and hinges and painting tired furniture and even giving a room a new lease of life with a quick coat of paint.  These are quick and easy jobs that enable you to keep on top of your home maintenance and make time for the weekends.  Lowes has everything you need to keep your home in superb condition and with a Lowes Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can look after your home for less.  So, what are the next quick fixes in your home that you need to get to today?

Deep Clean Your Bathroom

Deep Cleaning the bathroom is a job that just about every puts off and puts off. It is not a job that anyone really likes but it is a job that needs doing a great deal more often than you think.  The thing is that a bathroom deep clean really does not take long.  With your gloves on and a plan to work from you can deep clean your bathroom, make germ free and leaving it like new in around an hour. With the right equipment and materials a bathroom deep clean is a task that takes almost no time at all.

Home Safety Check

In a similar vein to cleaning a bathroom a home safety check is an important job that gets put off and pushed out all the time. Home safety is important and lives depend on it and a home safety check takes less than an hour. Testing all your alarms and detectors is quick and easy, checking all locks, doors and windows takes little or no time and 60 minutes spent doing this once a month could save a life.

Have a Clear Out

Another quick job that you keep promising to do is to have a good clear out. By nature humans are hoarders and junk piles up; old clothes, dated magazines, old toys, old small appliances, the list is endless. Clutter makes a house untidy and yet we walk by it every day and add more too it whispering to ourselves that we need to have a clear out. Stop procrastinating and do it, a clear out will only take you about two hours and that space you make will make your home feel massive!

Tidy the garden

We all love our gardens but many of us hate the thought of tidying them. Gardens don’t clean themselves and can soon become overgrown and untidy. A good garden tidy up takes about two and a half hours and many people even say it is therapeutic.  A tidy garden is garden you can enjoy and having a really good clear up every couple of months while generally keeping things tidy ensures you have a garden you will be love.

Many of the tasks in this list of quick fixes are not such enjoyable jobs but they are essential. Taking a little time each week day to complete some of these can make your weekends much more enjoyable leaving you time to relax.



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