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Things to Ponder Before a Bathroom Remodel

Things to Ponder Before a Bathroom Remodel

Lowes has been helping American families make their houses homes they love. With a Lowes Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can save a ton of money of looking after you home. One area that needs plenty of maintenance over the course of a year is the bathroom. There comes a point, however, when maintenance is not enough, and you need to renovate. When you get to this point what do you need to consider? Here are some points to ponder.


Perhaps the most important consideration of all when it comes to a complete bathroom renovation or renew is the plumbing.  Moving pipes and components around can be troublesome. If moving to outside walls from inside walls you need to consider freezing in winter; there is probably good reason why your pipes are where they are. For your plumbing consider using a professional.


Very often bathrooms have a distinct lack of natural light to flood the room. Next to plumbing lighting your bathroom properly is vital. Not enough light and the room will lose functionality, too much and it will feel like a dentist room and way too bright. Modern lighting options allow for dimming and recessed lighting to be very much a part of your new bathroom.

Shower Windows

Having a shower by a window is an awesome idea for some and not so for others. So, where you installed your shower is important both for privacy and natural light.

Shower floors

Shower floors have become talking points in the world of bathroom design. There are many choiuces today and each has its place for budgetary or aesthetic reasons. Seamless, flat floors look impressive but unless installed correctly can leave pools of water. Shower trays, traditionally plastic, are easy to install and are affordable. These need to be stepped into and if ease of access is a requirement a flat shower floor may be a better option.

Hanging Toilets

Not sop long ago there was limited choice when it came to toilets and they all seemed to come in coupled sets of bowel and water chamber.  Today you can have hanging toilets where the tank is hidden behind the wall leaving a superbly modern looking and very spacious bathroom.

Shower or Tub

The debate continues. Do you need a bath tub?  Can you survive with just a shower.  The decisions around this are long lasting and need the decision to scrap the tub and opt for a shower only space is not to be taken lightly.


One of the biggest concerns when renovating a bathroom is that of storage. The more storage you can have the better!  Hidden or built in storage is fantastic but if you don’t have the capacity to install such then stand alone storage options must be considered.

This should get you truly thinking about your new bathroom. 

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