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How to Make a Pet Friendly Garden - Part 2

How to Make a Pet Friendly Garden - Part 2

Home Depot loves American families and their pets. Making pets part of life is important and if you have pets you need a pet friendly garden.  At Home Depot you can get all the tools and materials you need to make your garden pet friendly. With a Home Depot Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons you can save money doing so.



If you don't have space for a garden in the ground surrounded by a fence, consider hanging pots or containers where your dog can't reach them. Even if you are planting edible plants that are safe for your puppy, the most important step is to install a fence around your yard to keep your dog out. Arrange plants in dense groups if possible, as dogs tend to leave densely planted areas alone. Know which plants in your garden are poisonous to dogs.


Please note that some popular plants can be toxic to dogs when eaten in small amounts. Do your research and try to avoid plants that can harm your dog if ingested. Young dogs and some breeds will chew on anything, including poisonous plants, so check out this important list of toxic and non-toxic plants before planting your new favorite flower. The most important step in creating a favorable landscape for your dog is to grow only those plants in the garden that are suitable for dogs.


You can still have a nice garden if you have a dog - many plants are not a threat to dogs. That doesn't mean you can't have a beautiful garden yet - there are plenty of dog-safe flowers and plants like lavender, hebes, snapdragon, rudbeckia hirta, honeysuckle, rose, and sunflowers. If landscaped areas are densely planted, dogs will remain on the street, our readers say.


Prevent plowing by planting tall grass and encouraging dogs to use the paved areas of the garden to get around. Raise beds with railroad ties so dogs can walk on them, and plant dog pests (a plant with a strong smell that dogs don't like) to scare them away from the beds. Designate a dedicated area in your yard for your dog to do his business and this will prevent your plants or lawn from turning yellow or causing problems with the dog's litter box.


When you're filling gaps or creating new boundaries, buy the largest specimens you can afford, and if you have a digging dog, plant and bait them when they're not around so they're out of ideas. To keep your dog from digging in the lawn, try setting up a pet sandbox where they can dig as much as they want. Dogs burrow, so provide a hole so your pet can exercise his natural instincts by saying it's your pet.


Build the fence high enough to keep your dog or cat from jumping on it. A permanent fence, such as an attractive fence, is a great idea for vegetable gardens or backyards where you don't want dogs or cats littering. Simply creating a clear, dog-friendly perimeter path can help your dog feel like he's doing as much work in the yard as you.


Plant perennials close together and choose hardy, pet-friendly plants, for example, among larger woody plants, use ground covers such as thyme, cotoneaster, oxalis, or periwinkle. Set up your dog-friendly garden with robust plants: herbaceous perennials such as daylilies, echinacea, lavender, sage, Shasta daisies, and hardy geraniums are ideal.



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