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History of Christmas Decoration

History of Christmas Decoration

Home Depot has a superb selection of wonderful Christmas decorations. With a Home Depot Money Off Coupon from We Are Coupons Christmas décor costs less. Throughout history, Christmas trees and Christmas decorations have been used to celebrate the holidays. They are a part of a tradition that has been around since before Christianity was even a glimmer in someone's eye. The most common theory is that the tradition was begun by a monk in Germany in the 7th or 8th century. Other traditions arose as each country added their own twist to the holiday.


Before Christianity, the holiday season was a time to celebrate the pagan holiday Saturnalia. It was a festival that included a giant feast and gifts for the gods. Wreaths were used to celebrate the holiday, as well. Wreaths were also used to count down four weeks before Christmas, as the Romans hung wreaths to celebrate the winter festival. Wreaths were brought into homes to decorate them and to brighten them during the cold winter months.


A more disputed tradition is the use of ornaments on Christmas trees. The earliest ornaments designed by Hans Greiner mimicked natural forms. His earliest designs were like eggs and orbs. In the 15th century, ornaments began to be added to Christmas trees in Germany.


By the late 19th century, German entrepreneurs were manufacturing ornaments that were sold as Christmas ornaments. These were made of various materials including glass, wood, metal, and plastic. Some of the earliest ornaments were created by Hans Greiner's grandfather, who founded a glassworks in Lauscha, Germany in 1597. The first Christmas tinsel was a thin, shimmering silver strand. Originally, tinsel was made from pure silver, and was hammered into extremely thin, glittery strips. The smoke from the candles turned the silver tinsel black.


In the 1800s, people also decorated their trees with fruit and nuts. Holly and mistletoe were two of the most popular holiday decorations. Holly is also associated with Christmas since ancient times, and is still a part of many traditions today. The red berries on the holly represent the blood of Christ.


In the early 20th century, Americans started decorating their trees with homemade ornaments. In 1896, the British magazine The Lady asserted that hostesses with inadequate decorations were disgraceful. During the COVID-19 pandemic, more people bought more Christmas decorations, including lights. This increased sales by 194%.


During the 1890s, the Christmas tree became popular in the United States. The popularity of this tradition spread to other countries. The image of Queen Victoria's family decorating an evergreen was published in the United States and England in 1840s. This image spread the Christmas tree tradition and inspired many Americans to celebrate the holiday.


By the late 1800s, Americans also began decorating their trees with popcorn. Popcorn was then dyed with bright colors, and was interlaced with berries. Many families also burned a smaller Yule log during the holiday season.


Throughout the 20th century, American Christmas decorations were also popular. During the German Christmas toy boom, cotton batting Christmas ornaments were popular. These ornaments had realistic fruit and vegetables, and were exported to the United States in huge numbers. These ornaments were also popular during the American Civil War, and were used as decoration at memorials and other events

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