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Funny Friday: The Future

Funny Friday:  The Future

It is 2021 and we can all now look forward to the future. Home Depot has a bright a future ahead and with a Home Depot Coupon, your future shopping at Home Depot will be cheaper too. So, as we enter a new year let’s have some fun with some jokes about the future…

All the tenses

The Past, The Present, and The Future walk into a bar

It was tense.

Future Son in Law

A woman wants to know if her 3 future sons-in-law will be trustworthy...

... So she decides to take them one by one on a walk and pretend to slip and fall into the water to see what they will do. And so it goes.


On the first walk, she pretends to slip and falls into the water. The first son-in-law takes of his shoes & coat and jumps in the water. The next day there is new family sedan parked in front of the house. There is a letter for the son-in-law which says:


_Thank you for saving me, here is your new car._


_– Your mother-in-law_


The next day the woman tries to do the same walk with her other son-in-law. She again pretends to slip and falls into the water. The second son-in-law immediately jumps after her. The next day there is new Mercedes parked in front of the house. There is a letter for the son-in-law which says:


_Thank you for saving me, here is your new car._


_– Your mother-in-law_


The day after the woman goes again on a walk but with her third son-in-law. Again she slips and falls into the water. The third son-in-law looks left, looks right, and sees nobody. So he continues to walk. The next day there is a brand new Ferrari parked in front of the house. There is a letter for the son-in-law which says:


_Thank you for saving me, here is your new car._


_– Your father-in-law_


Super Mario Future

How does Super Mario see into the future?

He uses a Luigi board

Dinosaur Futures

What kind of dinosaur is best at seeing the future?

A tarot-dactyl!

Future Teller Fail

What do you call a psychic who is bad at predicting the future?


Microsoft Updates

I was feeling anxious about the future today, but then I updated Microsoft Office

It improved my outlook.

Time Machines

If I had the time machine from back to the future I wouldn’t drive it much....

I’d only drive it from time to time.           

Bar Joke

"Sorry, we don't serve people from the future in here."

A time-traveler walks into a bar                

The truth?

Teacher:"One day our country will be corruption free", which tense is it?


Student: Future Impossible tense

Happy New Year Everyone!

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